Speak with a dentist online for your dental emergency.

Your Dental Plan may cover the cost.

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A visit with Dentistry.One is easy.

Just follow these 4 simple steps.


Set up
your account

Grab a smartphone, computer, or tablet to get started.


Choose what’s
best for you

Speak live to a dentist now, schedule an appointment, or send pictures for review.


your email

You’ll get an Oral Health Report with recommended next steps.


Get help with in-person appointments

When needed, we’ll schedule a visit for you with a dental provider.

Get Started

Get help with many of your dental needs, including:

  • Relief for dental emergencies
  • Starting the journey to healthier teeth and gums
  • Understanding your dental benefits
  • Help finding a local dentist
  • Picking the best products for your needs
  • Answering questions about treatment options
  • Get Started

    Get help with many of your dental needs, including:

    Talk to Us About How Keeping Your Teeth Healthy Helps Your Whole Body Stay Healthy.

    Talk to us about how keeping your teeth healthy helps your whole body stay healthy.

    This is important if you have health conditions like diabetes, heart problems, or if you’re going to have a baby.

    Get Started

    Dentistry.One helps when everyday challenges get in the way of taking care of your teeth.

  • No commute
  • No need for childcare
  • No work interruptions
  • No appointment delays
  • No dental anxiety
  • Get Started

    Get help with many of your dental needs, including:

    Our Dentists

    Talk with one of our highly-trained dentists about your dental concerns from the privacy and comfort of your home or any other place you choose.

    Our Care Advisors

    Our Care Advisors are dental hygiene experts who will schedule a follow-up dental visit for you, when needed, and recommend ways you can keep your teeth healthy between visits.

    Get Started

    Did you know?

    A Dentistry.One appointment can save you time when you need:

    A second opinion


    Dental clearance
    before surgery

    Pre-and-post op

    Help with sleep apnea


    And, more….

    Get ready to feel better about your smile.

    Get Started Now

    Or, text or call our Care Advisor line at

    To contact Arrow Dental, visit arrowdentalclinic.com.